Neighar Neighborhood & Community App Safety Tips

This is a friendly reminder from us at Neighar that meeting new people can be exciting, but it's important to take precautions when interacting with strangers for the first time. Please use your best judgement and prioritize your personal safety. While we cannot control the behavior of others, we offer some helpful tips to ensure you have a safe and enjoyable experience on our platform.

Online Safety

Important reminder: We strongly advise against sharing any financial information with anyone on our app. This includes wiring or sending money, even if it seems urgent. Such transactions can be very difficult to reverse or track down. Please do not disclose any financial account details to anyone. If someone requests money from you, please report it to us immediately. For additional tips on avoiding romance scams, please check out the advice provided by the U.S Federal Trade Commission on their website.

This is a friendly reminder to be mindful of your personal information online. Please keep your social security number, home address, and daily routines private when interacting with strangers. If you are a parent, we recommend limiting the information you provide about your children on your profile and in conversations with others. It's best to avoid mentioning specific details such as names, schools, ages, or genders. Thank you for taking precautionary measures to stay safe online.

There are safety measures in place for your protection while using the Neighar platform. We recommend keeping all conversations on the platform until you feel comfortable moving the conversation elsewhere. If someone attempts to move the conversation to another communication channel too quickly, we advise being cautious as it could be a potential warning sign.

Please be advised to exercise caution when pursuing long distance and overseas relationships. There have been cases of fraud where impostors claim to be from your country but are actually stranded elsewhere and request financial assistance. It is important to be wary of individuals who refuse to meet in person or engage in phone or video conversations. Also, be cautious of those who avoid answering your questions or pressure you for a serious relationship without first meeting in person.

We take the safety and security of our users very seriously. If you see any suspicious or offensive behavior, please report it to us immediately so we can take appropriate action. We encourage you to help us maintain a positive and secure environment for everyone. Thank you for being a part of Neighar.

It is common to receive requests for financial assistance or donations.

Please be advised that our site is not intended for use by individuals under the age of 18. Thank you for your understanding in maintaining a safe online community.

Harassment, threats, and offensive messages

Inappropriate behavior exhibited during or after is unacceptable and must be reported. Let's work together to ensure a safe and professional environment.

Deceitful profiles

Please refrain from sending spam messages, buying or selling requested items or services, promoting commercial websites or attempting to sell goods or services.

If you ever come across any suspicious activity on a profile page, please feel free to report it by emailing us at [email protected]. For further information regarding how to act within our community, please refer to our Community Guidelines.

This is a friendly reminder to protect your account while using shared or public computers. Please be wary of any email requesting your username and password as Neighar will never ask for this information. If you do receive such an email, please contact us immediately. Thank you for prioritizing the security of your account.

In-Person Meeting

Don't rush. It's important to take your time and get to know someone before making any decisions about meeting up or communicating outside of Neighar. While it may seem inconvenient, we recommend asking questions to identify any potential red flags or dealbreakers. Additionally, using a phone or video chat as a screening tool can be a helpful way to evaluate your matches.

It's important to meet someone new in a public and well-populated place, and avoid meeting at private locations such as your home or your neighbour's home. If your neighbour insists on going to a secluded or secret location, it's best to leave the neighbour immediately and ensure you safely return home.

For your safety, it's recommended that you inform a friend or family member about your plans, including where you'll be going and when you plan to return. Additionally, make sure to keep your cell phone charged and with you at all times. This way, in case of any emergency, you can easily call for help.

It's important to have control over your transportation when going with a neighbour. This way, you can leave at any time during the meetup if you feel uncomfortable or unsafe. If you're driving yourself, it's always a good idea to have a backup plan in case of unexpected circumstances.

When you move to a new region, familiarize yourself with the laws that govern it and find out what, if any, legal protective measures are available to you. If you want to interact with new people in these nations, be cautious - some law enforcement agencies have been reported to utilize neighborhood & community apps as instruments for potential entrapment.

Help, Support, and Advice

Keep in mind that no safety measures are foolproof. Even if you follow these guidelines, there is no way to ensure that everything will go smoothly. Remember that any negative incidents are not your fault and help is available. If anything happens, report it to Neighar and consider reaching out to one of the resources listed below. In case of immediate danger or emergency, please call 911 (U.S. or Canada) or your local law enforcement agency for assistance.